Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tips to consider before purchasing granite.

Remodelling your kitchens has no longer remained a tedious and expensive preposition. Indeed now a days remodelling kitchens has become a fashion fad as it is much affordable and instils a new spirit of modernity and elegance to the whole house.

If you are thinking of purchasing a new house or an apartment or planning to renovate your old house, consider remodelling the kitchen at least with modern granite kitchen worktops and countertops to give it a look of complete modern amenity. But while how will you make sure that the granite you have purchased online or from a traditional shop do not differ from what is delivered to you on the next day. Here are some inspection tips that you should perform yourself before purchasing your chosen granite pieces.

  1. To check the absorbency of the granite stones, spill a few drops of lemon juice on a piece of granite and see if it forms some dark spot on the stone. If it does, it is absorbent granite stone and not quality granite. Do not consider purchasing it even if it is at cheaper prices. Quality granite stones will always take some time to absorb any liquid.
  2. To check if the granite stone is original and not dyed artificially for those appealing looks, you can apply acetone over the surface. If the surface of application turns residual or black in colour then the granite is a dyed one and do not accept it. If nothing appears on the surface, then the granite is a perfect one and you can buy it.
  3. When delivered at you home, check that all the granite stone pieces belong to the same batch. If there will be a difference in any of the stone piece from its batch it will look terrible when installed especially for larger crystals.

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