Monday, November 2, 2009

Tips to maintain your granite worktops

Having granite worktops in your kitchen makes your life easy as these natural stones do not require much effort to clean and maintain. However to keep your granite worktops looking clean and shiny all the time, you will have to follow frequent cleanliness regimes. Even if your worktop stone is hard, durable and resistance to heat and stains, it still requires regular cleaning; otherwise it can deteriorate easily and lose its shine. Therefore you should clean the tiles yourself on a regular basis Here are some useful tips that can help you in maintaining the beauty of the natural stone.

1. Clean your worktops using some mild cleanser or simply your dish washing soap and rub the worktop surface gently with a smooth scrubber. To remove the stickiness and extra dirt that gets deposited on the surface it is best to rinse the surface with warm water. Dry the surface with a clean absorbing material cloth or sponge.

2. Stains can be of any nature and can penetrate inside the granite surface thus leading to severe damages. Hence, as soon as you see a stain on your granite surface, clean it immediately. You can also clean the stains by preparing a paste of one cup flour and two to three tablespoon of dish washing liquid. Apply this paste on the stained area and leave it for the night.

3. If the stains are tough and do not go with your normal dish washing solution, then you can replace the dish washing liquid with a hydrogen peroxide solution. To make it a more effective, you can also add some ammonia liquid into it. This method works with stains created due to spills of oil, milk and grease.

4. Tea, coffee and fruit juice stains can be removed by preparing a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and then rinsing the surface with water as soon as the cleaning process gets completed.

5. If the stains are difficult to remove, then do not try scrubbing your tiles too hard. It can lead to scratches in your tiles. The best approach in such a case is to either change your cleansing solution or appoint a restoration specialist to revamp the tiles.

Regular cleaning will maintain the beauty of your kitchens worktops for lifelong. So why not start your regular cleaning regime from today!

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