Thursday, April 11, 2013

Learn to Install Decomposed Granite to enhance your outdoors

Everyone wants their house to look beautiful and attractive. This is the reason why people spend their time and money to enhance the interior of home.  But don’t you think that in all this excitement you are ignoring your outdoors. The outdoors play very prominent role in the house. Have you ever thought to make your outdoors give an effective appearance? Well, than decomposed granite is the answer. Granite is a hard stone and is well known for its durability, elegance and cost.

Decomposed Granite Explained

There are several measures that can be applied that make it live for long run. Polishing, sealing, and cleaning regularly make granite look beautiful for years. But if these procedures are not followed properly than it can lead to dirt, cracks- when water pours in between granite and breakage than further breaks in to tiny stones. Now these little pieces appear to develop a reddish brown color that makes it actual decomposed granite. However, the natural look of decomposed rock granite is a beautiful complement to home of all styles.

Methods to install decomposed granite

  1.  First, measure the length and breadth of your walkway. Once you have your measurements, the next step is to step out and purchase the decomposed granite. Any leading home improvement store should supply it. You can give the measurements of your walkway to the sales person, and he'll give you an idea of how much gravel you'll need. *Tip: It's a good idea to buy some extra gravel and keep with you, for future use.
  2. Once you have enough decomposed granite, it's time to get down to business. Get your gardening gloves out and make sure you pull out all the plants, grass and weeds that have encroached upon your intended walkway. You'll need to use a spade to pull out the stubborn ones, but make sure you do this. If they're not plucked out from their roots, there are chances that they'll regrow and mess up the place. Let’s seek more knowledge on installing decomposed granite. Click Here

A decomposed granite serves a good addition to any front or backyard path or garden as well. There is no wonder that you can easily give a face lift to your outdoor space without spending much your time and money.  An efficient and attractive patio is alternate to stone or concrete. This surface allows water to swipe through forming a flexible and excellent material. If decomposed granite installed properly then it can firmly and nicely last for long years. 

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