Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Clean your granite worktops weekly to keep them in top shape.

The use of granite worktop and countertop surfaces is very popular in kitchens and bathrooms. These granite worktops usually provide an isolated island area to support chopping, cutting and additional work space to hold things while preparing meals in the kitchens. Since these worktops are used everyday in homes, we always think of ways to keep them clean and care for the granite’s shine to last as long as possible. To keep your granite in healthy and shining condition, you need to use a cleaning solution that is strong enough to remove the build up and dust from the surfaces without damaging the granite. You should avoid cleansers that constitute chemical based ingredients or contain bleach in them. Just follow the following steps to keep your granite worktops in top notch sparkling condition.

  1. After you are done with your daily chores in the kitchen, pick up a cleaning rag to dust the granite surfaces thoroughly.
  1. Always keep a bottle filled with tap water and spray the water onto the granite surface slowly wiping the granite surfaces to remove light everyday build up.
  1. If the stains are more difficult, use a mixture of water and 1 tablespoon of a pH-neutral stone soap or dish soap and fill the spray with this mixture.
  1. Spray this soapy mixture onto your granite surfaces and wipe the surface with a damp mop or cleaning rag.
  1. Use a clean soft cloth to dry the granite surface.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Compare your granite bids – Few more things to consider.

Please follow my previous two posts to know more about this topic.

See if the backsplash is included in the bid or not - Many granite installers do not include the cost of backsplash and when you say you want it, they up charge for it. Make sure to consider bids that include backsplash install of at least 4-6" where the kitchen worktop meets the wall or wall cabinets.

Cut-outs – Granite cutting is a complex procedure and thus the cost of the granite also depends on the type of cut-out needed in the granite. Some of the cut-out examples are sinks, cook tops, holes for faucets etc. Thus you should explain the cut-outs requirements in your granite slabs and ask for the price including the charges per cut-out needed.

Installation Charges, Delivery Charges and Sales Tax – A company may offer you 40% discount or may look much affordable than the other ones so that you are tempted to grab the offer. But in my experience that bid won’t be actually cheap because in most of the cases such bids do not include the delivery charges of your granite, installation costs and sales tax. Look out for companies that include all 3 of these in their bids.

Complete kitchen granite installation will take three installer guys half a day to install it in place. The cost for time invested in installation and is figured in the overall cost. If you are buying a single granite vanity top and can install it yourself, there is no need to pay for the installation and hence make sure the bid reflects that.

What about the existing replaced tops? – Now that your new granite kitchen worktops are in place elegantly, what are you going to do with the old ones? If you have decided to give it away to the installers, make sure you ask for it on your bid to get some discount and save a few more pounds.

Warranty – I won’t put this to be the last one, instead it should be your first consideration to verify the quality of the warranty that goes with your new worktops. All good granite suppliers stand behind their granite, installation, and sealing. While comparing your granite bids, make sure you compare the warranties. Granite which is properly sealed and installed is so durable that most suppliers offer limited lifetime warranties on them.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tips to compare granite bids – Part 2

Well here is the list I talked about in my last post. I hope these points will help you find the best and affordable granite bids offered by granite suppliers in your town.

Thickness of the Slab – All granite worktops and countertops are not of the same thickness. The standard thickness for a granite slab is considered to be between 1 1/4". Thicker worktops are suitable for kitchen worktops and thinner granites are mostly preferred on bathroom vanities and in laundry rooms. While comparing your bids, make sure that the thickness of your granite worktops or countertops is included on the bid.

Quality/Pattern of the granite slab – Check the quality and pattern of the granite being used while comparing the cost of completing granite countertops. All 1 1/4" granite may not be of the same pattern. Some unsightly patterns may be present in parts of granite slabs that you would definitely not want to look at on your kitchen island. Make sure to view the granite and the flow of pattern on it before you consider the estimate to buy and get it fabricated.

Granite slab edge detail - Different edges take different amounts of time to fabricate. Most companies will have 1-4 "standard" edge details. To get the most accurate bid, pick the edge detail you wish to have and have it priced with that edge. If you have a couple of different edge selections you like, you may want to have an option price given for each of them.

Choose companies offering new long life sealers – Prefer bids that offer new sealers that last for up to fifteen years rather than the simple sealers offered by many companies on their granite that will need to be reapplied after one to two years to keep your granite sealed and protected. Moreover, look out for bids that offer free professional sealing services.

See if the backsplash is included in the bid or not - Many granite installers do not include the cost of backsplash and when you say you want it, they up charge for it. Make sure to consider bids that include backsplash install of at least 4-6" where the worktop meets the wall or wall cabinets.

Few more things still to discuss but won't make this post too long. So will have to wait for my next post. Keep Reading!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tips to Compare Granite Bids – Part 1

Every company offers a little bit different when it comes to pricing the granite. The pricing for granite may vary depending upon the product and options. While requesting the granite bids you must consider square footage or lineal footage and it is important that you compare bids for the same services and inclusions offered by different granite suppliers. This post and the one following this might help you to compare bids to get the best quotes for your granite installations.

Before calling any estimator, do a personal in home rough estimate of the pricing based on various facts and not just guess. Then call an estimator to visit your home and provide you with a final price but make sure that the price isn’t subject to change once he has given you a cost after analysing the installation space.

I have been spending time to prepare a list of the things you should consider to compare your granite bids and it’s almost complete to get published. Stay tuned for my next post to know the factors that can help you better compare the bids to find the most affordable and best quality granite kitchen worktops or countertops for your kitchens.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Quality Granite Kitchen Worktops Can Be Purchased For Cheap

The inflation in the economy in recent times has affected the home and kitchen material providing industries with a great force. While it has dissolved many big companies, some other have been facing huge losses or are at a no profit-no loss kind of situation.

Can it be said that the quality granite worktops cost too much now?

The answer to this would probably be no. The reason lies behind the fact that there are numerous companies even today that have managed to earn the same or more profit than earlier by providing the same quality products as earlier.

How did they manage to survive?

While some successful have reduced their working hours, some others are now working with lesser number of staff members. The trick that they use is that they ask the employees to work only when there is work available. This way they still work with full operational system as earlier.

Is it possible to get good quality kitchen worktops at reasonable prices?

The answer would surely be as. Try and find some good local companies providing good quality granites. There are certain companies that are still in position to provide their customers with affordable materials. There are certain factors such as location and many other that also compel local companies to sell their products at reasonable prices.

Do follow a piece of advice!

It is always better to go for quality kitchen worktops at a marginal higher price than to go for lower quality at even lower price. For those with a slightly low budget, rather go for a different type of stone than to go for a lower quality stone. Another option could be to mix and match two or more type of stones as per your budget. After all, it’s all about your innovative thinking and budget.